Private Detective Agency in Kolkata For Marriage

Marriage screening is an important contract in modern life. It has a way of completely changing almost every aspect of your life. Why not be careful and know the facts beforehand before getting married? We do a comprehensive and thorough personal investigation of the boy/girl. Hence, we are one of the best private detective agency in Kolkata for marriage since 1995.

Detective Eye is doing matrimonial investigation work for the last 25 years with a very high success rate. This dimension of our services is more focused on our social commitment than on core business interests. Like everyone else, we’d like to believe that marriages are made in heaven, but as professional investigators, we would recommend a thorough investigation to make sure that marriages stay that way.

Private Detective Agency in Kolkata For Marriage

Detective Eye – One of the trusted private detective agency in Kolkata for marriage

Apart from this, we have a team of top matrimonial/marriage detectives in Kolkata who solve cases of various natures and help couples to settle things within the ambit of the law. Investigating bigamy/polygamy cases ranging from checking marital background to collecting proof of gainful employment of spouses to helping with child custody issues, from investigating extramarital affairs after marriage. From conducting background checks for marriage – we cover almost every aspect related to getting divorced.

It is a misconception that marital screening tests are very expensive. Please do not hesitate to contact us for advice and assistance on any subject.

We provide marriage investigation services in six different areas which include –

  • Character/Extramarital Affair

We investigate the character of the spouses or extramarital affairs to help with divorce cases. Our team legally collects information and tries to find out whether the husband and wife are in any kind of relationship outside of marriage. We first collect evidence for several days and then hand over the evidence to the client to help settle divorce cases or related issues.

  • Gainful Employment Evidence Of A Spouse

We are approached by many clients who would like us to assist them with alimony issues by gathering evidence of their spouse’s gainful employment. They rely on our alimony matrimonial checks and hire us to avoid making improper payments to a predetermined spouse. In such cases, we help our clients by going through a thorough verification so that we can verify their employment. Firstly, we establish whether the spouse is employed or not. Once confirmed, we will start gathering information and sufficient evidence for the same.

Private Detective Agency in Kolkata For Marriage

  • Spouse’s Financial Background Check

We are also hired to investigate the financial background of the spouses. Apart from this, we gather relevant information to help with divorce cases. In this type of matrimonial enquiry, we check the income of the husband and wife. Their various sources of income, investment details, movable and immovable assets etc. We collect evidence and hand it over to clients to help them settle divorce cases with desired results.

  • Bigamy/Polygamy

We are hired to sort out cases to find out whether either of the spouses has married elsewhere without obtaining a divorce from their legally wedded wives or partners. Under the investigation of bigamy or polygamy, we examine whether a partner has remarried without legal recourse and whether he has any children from this second marriage.

  • Child Custody Issues

Our marriage investigation also includes helping clients win child custody battles with their partners. When hired for such cases, we search and determine whether the partner is capable of seeking or winning custody of the child, or whether the child will be safe in his or her custody. Apart from this, we collect ample evidence and proof that help our clients to win over child custody issues.

  • Background checks are performed on the spouse and all family members

We conduct background checks and investigations of spouses and all family members to help clients with their divorce cases. We check whether there is any ongoing legal case against the spouse or any family member. Besides this, we trace any police case against the family members and also collect evidence related to bad intentions of seeking a divorce.

Get In Touch With Us:-

Detective Eye provides the best and most reliable marriage checkups in Kolkata to help different levels of customers. Avail our expertise and feel peace of mind with your divorce case.

As a top private detective agency in Kolkata for marriage, we can verify each and every detail or information that our clients ask from us so that the family can take the right decision. We have the team, resources and a vast network to conduct pre-marriage and post-marriage verification smoothly and efficiently.

We are renowned for our marriage investigations and impeccable results. Although, we have successfully handled and resolved such cases of clients belonging to various walks of life. So, if you need any assistance in divorce or matrimonial matters, feel free to get in touch with us to avail of our services.